Karisa Gregorio

is a stained glass artist from Philadelphia. She received her BFA in Craft + Material studies, with a major in glass and minor in figurative illustration, from the University of the Arts in 2016. 

Gregorio’s work explores themes such as sex, death, God, the Devil, pleasure, temptation, intimacy, love, lust, and indulgence. The relationship between glass and light in stained glass allows her to create works that feel alive. Using traditional stained glass processes, as well as processes learned from Judith Schaechter, the depth and intimacy of the materials create a world in which the pleasures of the flesh and emotions of the heart are illuminated and illuminating. Gregorio’s aim is to one day create a cathedral in which enlightenment comes from the experiences in life that, in her opinion, make life worth living. To create an environment in which relationships between the viewer and work, and the relationships between people, are not limited, but allowed to be felt and fully indulged in.